Northern Lake States EAB and Ash Symposium

September 4th and 5th, 2024
Ash replacement species trials on Fond Du Lac land.

Join us in Grand Rapids for a 2-day symposium on the state of knowledge and practice in Lake States ash wetlands. On day 1 we’ll feature talks from both researchers and practitioners covering a broad range of topics from ash replacement species to hydrological concepts and silvicultural practices to promote wildlife in these systems. On day 2 we’ll hit the road, touring a variety of sites in the Grand Rapids area to tie together concepts from day 1 and put them in the context of on-the-ground management. 

Agenda: Click here to download a draft agenda current as of 16 August. This agenda is subject to change. 

Cost: We have two options: day 1 (the symposium) or day 1 and day 2 (the symposium + field tour). We are not offering registration for the field tour only. 
Symposium only: $75 for members, $140 for non members, $40 for students. 
Symposium + Field Tour: $125 for members, $190 for nonmembers, $75 for students. 

Accessibility: This symposium will take place indoors at the TimberLake Lodge in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. The following day we will be moving across multiple (wet!) forested field sites mostly in western Itasca County with access to toilets around lunch time and mid-afternoon around our last stop.

Lodging: The discounted lodging block window has now closed. Call TimberLake Lodge at 218-326-2600 to book a room.  

CEs: The entire event is rated for 9.5 CAT1 CEs (5 symposium; 4.5 field day). 

EcoSilv Credits: This workshop will satisfy one of the "Field Applications" credits for SFEC's EcoSilv course.
What is this? Ecological Silviculture (EcoSilv) is a cohort course culminating in a certificate earned by attending a mix of dedicated and open workshops. In other words, some required EcoSilv classes will be SFEC workshops or symposia that are open to people who are not part of the EcoSilv cohort, while other courses are limited solely to the EcoSilv cohorts and will be identified as such. Check back for a landing page with more information regarding the Ecological Silviculture Certification.