Floodplain Silviculture

Thursday September 12th, 9am-3pm
Event date and time
High waters in the Mississippi River floodplain.

This workshop will focus on regenerating forests in floodplain systems, discussing management objectives for floodplain systems and to what extent silvicultural practices can meet those objectives, and teasing apart differences in management approaches in floodplain forests versus upland forests. 

We will tour several sites as part of this workshop; in the morning we'll get on board US Army Corps of Engineers and US Fish and Wildife Service boats to view sites, and in the afternoon after a boxed lunch we will visit two other sites in personal vehicles. PFDs will be provided for all attendees. 

Location: We will meet south of La Crosse, Wisconsin; your registration confirmation will have the exact meeting point. 

Agenda: Click here to view the agenda.

Accessibility: In the morning we will be visiting sites by boat. In the afternoon we will be driving to sites in personal vehicles. This will be entirely field-based with limited access to toilets or other facilities except around lunchtime.

Cost: $75 for members, $140 for nonmembers. Registration includes lunch.

CEs: 4.5

EcoSilv Credits: This workshop will satisfy one of the "Field Applications" credits for SFEC's EcoSilv course in this region; foresters interested in the EcoSilv certification can attend either this workshop OR our Driftless Silviculture workshop.
What is this? Ecological Silviculture (EcoSilv) is a cohort course culminating in a certificate earned by attending a mix of dedicated and open workshops. In other words, some required EcoSilv classes will be SFEC workshops or symposia that are open to people who are not part of the EcoSilv cohort, while other courses are limited solely to the EcoSilv cohorts and will be identified as such. Check back for a landing page with more information regarding the Ecological Silviculture Certification.