We are holding a handful of open meetings over the course of two months for SFEC members to discuss educational content needs. In each hour-long meeting we will focus on a different content theme of our ongoing needs assessment, briefly going over our needs assessment results so far before opening the floor to gather ideas related to content and event formats from attendees. The meeting themes and times for the whole series are below:
- Silviculture: Thursday February 29th, 1-2pm
- Timber Goals and FMGs: Friday March 8th, 1-2pm
- Forest Carbon: Tuesday March 12th, 10-11am
- Forest-dependent Wildlife: Friday March 15th, 1-2pm
- Climate Adaptation: Tuesday April 16th, 9-10am
- Forest Health: Thursday April 18th, 1-2pm
- Human Dimensions and Economics: Wednesday April 24th, 10-11am
This February 29th meeting is for the Silviculture theme. Within this broad theme we used a survey to gauge interest in such topics as...
- Forest management to benefit wildlife
- Production-oriented silviculture
- Fire as a silvicultural tool
- Ecological silviculture grounded in the MN ECS system
- Special and non-timber forest products
- Write-in: managing for a given species and/or forest community
We will hold a separate session to dive deeper into forest-dependent wildlife topics specifically on March 15th at 1pm.
All SFEC members are welcome; please register for as many listening sessions as you are willing. We're hoping to have a robust discussion to help us put a finer point on our broader survey results and better define SFEC's direction over the next several years as it relates to the custom professional development content we provide to our members.
Reach out to Lane Moser at [email protected] with questions.