Walker, Minnesota

This field-based workshop, held in partnership with the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, will address forest management strategies managers can use to meet cultural use goals. For this workshop we'll key in on five topics:
- Paper birch - retaining it on a site, or adding it
- Promoting snowshoe hare habitat
- Cedar management
- Diversifying aspen - fire-dependent vs mesic hardwood approaches; mixedwood management
- Promoting edible forbs and berries
During this workshop we'll work through both tribal and state sites, going over management strategies for different species of cultural significance while also covering some of their life history traits and uses. Expect discussions related to fire as a silvicultural tool, emulating fire, and collaborating across organization boundaries to get needed management done on the ground. Resource managers of all backgrounds and organizations are invited to attend!
9:00 | Welcome and Introductions |
9:10 | DNR Ketchum Site overview and discussion |
10:20 | Depart for Burn Chronosequence |
10:40 | CNF Rx burn chronosequence overview and discussion |
12:00 | Lunch in the field |
1:00 | Continue burn chronosequence stops |
2:00 | Tentative: Depart for stop 3: CNF red pine thin |
3:00 | Adjourn |
Accessibility: We will be driving from site to site in personal vehicles. This will be entirely field-based with limited access to toilets or other facilities.
Cost: $75 for members, $140 for nonmembers. Registration includes lunch.
CEs: 4.5