Webinar: Establishing collaborative groups to support forest adaptation: Intro to the Minnesota Forest-Climate Working Group

August 13th, 2024 from 9-10am
The first field day organized by the Climate-Forest Adaptation Working Group.

The goal of the Minnesota Forest-Climate Working Group is to increase communication, coordination, and collaboration across the forestry community about climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. In this webinar, we will introduce the Minnesota Forest-Climate Working Group, as well as the process, feedback, and updates so far in establishing a collaborative group. 

Each webinar is rated for one CAT1 credit; participants, keep an eye on the chat for the link to the webinar CE request form towards the end of the hour. We will record each webinar and post it on the SFEC YouTube Channel. Recordings are typically available within one week of the live broadcast.

Event Speaker

Stephen Handler, Climate Adaptation Specialist, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science

Jamie Mosel, UMN Extension Educator

Eli Sagor, Extension Specialist and Program Manager, SFEC