Webinar: Developing a Minnesota Tree Seed Collection Network

July 9th, 2024 from 9-10am
Jeff Jackson and a student inspecting a seedling.

Efforts in Minnesota to plant climate-adapted tree species for carbon sequestration and other benefits face significant challenges. One of these challenges is a shortage of climate-adapted tree seed needed for increased seedling production. The Nature Conservancy is leading a project to develop a Climate-Smart Seed and Seedling Production Network (CSSPN) to address two fundamental supply chain issues: seed collection and tree seedling production. Mary will discuss the creation of this network and describe the current partnerships that are making it a reality. Jeff will provide an update on Extension’s role in the project, which is to lead 12 tree seed collection training workshops, and describe ways that you and your organization can be involved in this project.

Each webinar is rated for one CAT1 credit; participants, keep an eye on the chat for the link to the webinar CE request form towards the end of the hour. We will record each webinar and post it on the SFEC YouTube Channel. Recordings are typically available within one week of the live broadcast.

Event Speaker

Mary Hammes, Reforestation Strategy Manager, The Nature Conservancy

Jeff Jackson, Natural Resources Research Institute