Mike Kilgore and John Zobel (UMN-Forest Resources) and David Wilson (MFRC) will go over their forest carbon assessment strategy report, describing an analysis of how different forest management scenarios (ranging from no to intensive harvest) will impact carbon sequestered and stored in Minnesota's forests and the associated harvested wood products they produce over an extended period of time. The project also includes a life cycle analysis to better understand the cradle-to-grave carbon storage and sequestration trade-offs that are associated with different levels of forest management intensity applied to MN's forests.
Each webinar is rated for one CAT1 credit; participants, keep an eye on the chat for the link to the webinar CE request form towards the end of the hour. We will record each webinar and post it on the SFEC YouTube Channel. Recordings are typically available within one week of the live broadcast.
Mike Kilgore, Professor, UMN Department of Forest Resources
John Zobel, Assistant Professor, UMN Department of Forest Resources
David Wilson, Applied Forest Science Coordinator, Minnesota Forest Resources Council