Wildlife Tracking

December 6th 2023, 9am to 3pm

Cloquet Forestry Center

Tracking students examining prints in the snow.

Spend a day learning to recognize and interpret the tracks and signs of animals on your landscape. This experiential, hands-on workshop offers a glimpse into the presence and behavior of wildlife surrounding us by revealing subtle signs animals leave behind.

Rain/snow/shine we will be outdoors at the Cloquet Forestry Center for the duration of this workshop. Our sites will vary based on weather, but boots are recommended at a minimum as we will be tromping through snow and/or mud. 


8:30      Check-in and networking
9:00      Welcome and Introductions indoors
9:15      Move into the field
12:00    Hot lunch at CFC
12:45    Move back into the field
2:45      Return to CFC and adjourn

Accessibility considerations: we will be in the field for much of the day, but have access to bathrooms within the Cloquet Forestry Center early in the morning and at lunch. We will be walking along forest roads in the morning and afternoon.

Cost: $75 for members, $140 for nonmembers. Registration includes lunch.

CEs: 4.5.