Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative

Jeff Jackson and a student inspecting a seedling.
Oaks in the Chequamegon Nicolet National Forest


Based at the University of Minnesota's Cloquet Forestry Center, we are a forestry education cooperative offering continuing education opportunities for natural resource professionals.

What's New

Past SFEC Email Updates

December 27, 2023

Take a look at an archive of our previous email updates at this link. 

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Great Lakes Silviculture Library Update Notes

June 8, 2023

We've made some major changes to the Great Lakes Silviculture Library. A key change has been making the map a larger focus on the site: it is now easier to see prescriptions in your work area for different cover types, forest health threats, and silviculture systems. Existing users will note that we kept the familiar cover type grid, but we added new ways to search and filter case studies - such as site preparation method and climate change adaptation strategy - and expanded the selection of forest health threats. Tutorial videos to help ease the transition are currently being edited and will be published on the SFEC YouTube channel in the coming days.